Pattern Writing and Editing (Finished)


Skill Level: Intermediate
Date: Saturday, 7 Mar, 10:30am – 3:30 pm (1 session with lunch break , 4 hours total)
Instructor: Robbie Laughlin
Cost: $48 + HST


In this 4 hour class, you’ll learn the fundamentals of writing, editing and publishing your first pattern. In the first half, Robbie will lead you through the steps required to write a successful pattern, including setting up a style sheet to keep yourself organized and using mobile devices to enhance productivity and write with consistency. In the second half you’ll learn the basics of charting, using spreadsheets for math, how to set up a good layout, and formatting to make your pattern easier to read.

Techniques covered

  • Pattern writing process
  • Setting up a style sheet
  • Use of mobile devices & apps
  • Charting
  • Using spreadsheets for knitting math
  • Pattern layout
  • Pattern formatting

Note that while this class will NOT cover grading, Robbie has some pointers to great resources that he’ll provide you with.


  • Intermediate knitting skills
  • Familiarity with reading and using knitting patterns
  • Willingness to look at spreadsheet math!


  • Note-taking supplies


Before class, gather a list of your own pattern ideas that you are comfortable sharing in group discussion.

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